PTVO Position Descriptions
Mission of the Parent, Teacher Volunteer Organize
PTVO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Mountain View Montessori by fostering relationships among the school, parents, teachers and the community.
Stakeholder Expectations
To all stakeholders, Board of Directors, all staff, parents and the community at large, schools and particularly charter schools need the valued support of its stakeholders. There are many ways to support your child’s school. One of the most important ways is to volunteer your time in supporting the Parent, Teacher Volunteer Organization (PTVO).
Stakeholder Standards
- Be a Volunteer
- Be Energetic
- Be Positive
- Be Enthusiastic.
PTVO Volunteer Positions
The School Director shall serve as a liaison between the school and the Board. She/he shall approve all fundraising projects of the PTVO and shall be an authorized signatory for all PTVO checks, contracts, and other documents. The Director shall act as a consultant to assure that meetings and processes are conducted in accordance with best practices, advise on meeting procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order.
The President shall serve as leader and key contact for the PTVO; preside at all PTVO meetings; ex-officio member of most committees; appoint chairpersons for special committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTVO’s objectives can be met.
The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by Director; coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Director. Ideally – is willing to serve as President in the future.
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meetings; prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned; maintain master documents; help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board; keep the calendar of events for the PTVO.
The Communications Secretary shall manage communications and marketing for the PTVO, including but not limited to PTVO newsletters, email broadcasts, website, bulletin boards, etc.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds; make requests for disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTVO events where money will be collected; assure that PTVO school policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare the books for an annual audit.
The Faculty Representative shall serve as a liaison between the PTVO Director and Staff. She/he shall perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.
Standing Committees
The Donation Sponsorship chair is responsible for gathering donations from restaurants and businesses throughout the year for PTVO functions. Ex. t-shirt sponsors, food donations for events, student incentives, etc. Ensures that sponsors receive thank you cards and recognition in the PTVO newsletter, website, etc. Works with the Hospitality Coordinator.
The Fundraising chair shall manage the coordination of the PTVO’s fall and/or spring fundraising activities.
The Finance Sponsorship chair is responsible for gathering financial donations from businesses and community members to help sponsor events at school.
The Hospitality chair shall coordinate any hospitality activities, including welcome program and documentation for new families and kindergarten families. Responsible for purchasing and mailing all thank you, get well, sympathy and birthday cards for DMA Staff and PTVO Board Members and for sending flowers or gifts approved by the PTVO Board in the event of birth, wedding or death.
The Lead Volunteer Coordinator shall coordinate volunteers for PTVO events and school activities. Collect list of general volunteers at beginning of year and for special events. Assure that volunteer data is recorded and available to both the Board and teachers. Work with teachers, staff, and leaders of committees to assure volunteers are recruited for programs. On-going dialog with Grade Level Coordinators as to class and grade activities. (Effort: on-going, year round; time peaks with a few big events. Average: 3 hours per month; could range from 0 to 8 hours per month during major events.)